Here we are for the 11th Clarity Challenge this year and we're going "Clean & Simple" this month. It's a bit more difficult than you think, to try and be minimalistic when crafting - I think for most of us crafters it is a challenge that's for sure!
I thought I'd use the Angelina Fibres on my project - the colours are really pretty and once heat is applied to them, they're even better.
So the ingredients:
6x6 Stencil Card
8x8 Blank Greeting Card
7x7 Clarity MegaMount
Angelina Fibres
Iron (craft or domestic)
Baking parchment
Word Chain No.s 7 & 13
Black Archival Ink
Embossing Tool or pointed implement like a skewer
Glue runner
Paperartsy Acrylics - Limelight & Hyde Park
Gold Pebeo Patinating Wax
Mount the "Magical Christmas" onto the Clarity Megamount and tease-out some of the Angelina Fibres to a piece large enough to cover the words - make sure it's the right shape before you ink up your stamp.
I don't have a crafting iron, but a domestic iron works just as well. Make sure the iron is empty of water and heat it on the silk setting.
Ink up the words with Black Archival, place the Angelina Fibres over the words, then lay the parchment carefully on top. With the pre-heated iron, gently press the parchment for a few seconds - I pressed for a few seconds, then lifted the iron to check. It only takes a matter of seconds to heat-set, so it's better to do it a little at a time and check your progress by peeking under the iron as you go as you don't want to over-cook it.
Next I teezed out some of the fibres round the edge using the No. 1 Embossing Tool so that it looked a bit fluffy round the edges. (Hold the words tightly as you don't want the fibres pulling from the centre).
As I didn't want the fluffy edges stuck to the card, I used the glue runner and just ran a couple of lines across the middle to hold the fibres in place.
Next, I brayered some Paperartsy Acrylics round the edge.
I then stamped a couple of fairies straight onto some fibre that I had ironed between two sheets of parchment, and cut them out.
I thought Limelight was a bit bright on it's own so I called on the help of Hyde Park & Pebeo Wax to tone it down a bit.
So that's it for another month, but before I go......just thought I'd quickly mention the Angelina Fibres.
They're one of those things that are quite difficult to photograph, but they produce some lovely colours, especially if you separate the strands from each colour and mix them together - very pretty
This is all the colours ironed between baking parchment.
Anyway, had better close now as I've got lots to do for my card sale on 5th November.
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone xxx
PS Here's some links to the Clarity goodies I used this month if you want to take a peek